
(Oliver pictured here on the right)

I’m Oliver. I graduated from Harvard College in May 2023 with a degree in history, focusing on environmental history, and a secondary degree in biology. Supported by a postgraduate travel grant, I’m spending this year living with shepherds, goatherds and cowherds in Europe and the Americas in order to understand how they manage to coexist with large predators like wolves, bears, and pumas. You can find information about this project on this site under “Transhumance Project.”

I’m interested in thinking and writing about the ways people and other species, plant and animal, shape each others’ lives. I think that understanding things like how a cicada spends its days, and what that has to do with us, is essential to the project of living better with our world. On my “Writing” page you can find my most recent long feature was about the “insect apocalypse” and the possibility that we may have inadvertently pushed insects to become invisible to us, for Nautilus Magazine.